BARITORAYAPOST.COM (Jakarta) – The Minister for National Development Planning opened the governor’s coordination meeting, in drafting the government’s work plan for 2022 for Sumatera regions, the event was held on Tuesday, 23 February 2021. On this occasion, the Minister of National Development Planning mentioned factors that hinder economic growth in various regions, some of them are classified as inhibiting factors and main inhibiting factors.
Head of Bappenas: Several Governor Proposal Projects Approved by the Central Government in Sumatra Region
“The main inhibiting factor for economic growth in Aceh Province is infrastructure, other inhibiting factors are economic competitiveness, fiscal and inflation, regulation and institutions. Meanwhile in North Sumatra fiscal and inflation, regulations and institutions are the main obstacles, another inhibiting factor is economic competitiveness, “said the Minister.
The Minister explained the main inhibiting factors for economic growth in West Sumatra are regulations and institutions, while other inhibiting factors are aspects of financing, economic competitiveness, fiscal and inflation, human resources, employment. The main inhibiting factor for economic growth in the Riau Islands Province is human resources for health, another inhibiting factor is the aspect of financing. Meanwhile, in Riau Province, the financing and infrastructure aspects are the main obstacles, while the other obstacle is human resources.
“The main inhibiting factor for economic growth in Jambi Province is infrastructure, other inhibiting aspects are financing and human resources for employment. The main inhibiting factors for economic growth in Bengkulu Province are fiscal and inflation, other inhibiting aspects are aspects of financing, economic competitiveness, and human resources. Meanwhile, in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, human resources, education, and inflation are the main inhibiting factors, another inhibiting factor is the aspect of financing, “said the Minister.
The Minister continued, The main inhibiting factor for economic growth in South Sumatra Province is human resources, education and infrastructure, other inhibiting factors are aspects of financing and human resources for employment. In Lampung, fiscal and inflation and infrastructure are the main constraining factors. In addition, the aspects of financing and human resources are other inhibiting factors.
The Minister also express inhibiting factors of economic growth in various regions, the Minister submitted project proposals submitted by the Governor and received approval from the central government. Aceh Province, which supports the Aceh Ladong Industrial Area, are the construction of the Central Cross Road: Jalan Jantho – Keumala and supporting the Aceh Ladong Industrial Area, namely the construction of the Central Cross Road: Jalan Geumpang – Pameu.
The Governor’s project approved by the central government in North Sumatra is the LRT and BRT Mebidangro, the development of the Medan Metropolitan Area: Regional Drinking Water. Meanwhile in West Sumatra Province, are Teluk Tapang Road Development (Bunga Tanjung – Teluk Tapang, including bridge construction), Trans Mentawai Road Development: (Sioban – Katiet Section), Improvement of Railway Lines in West Sumatra (Padang (Aia Island) – Pariaman, Padang – Bukit Putus, Tanam – Batu Tabal): Padang – Pariaman railway.
The Governor’s approved projects in Riau Province are the Kuala Enok Port access road, the construction of the outer islands of Indonesia, while the island, in Bengkulu Province, is the outer development of Enggano Island (Airport and Port), the development of Malakoni Island, the construction of the outer island, Enggano Island. (Airport and Port): Kahyapu Island Development, Enggano Island Airport Development.
The Governor’s project approved by the central government in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands is Tanjung Ular Port, the construction of the Nibung 1-2 Bridge, the development of the pepper area. Meanwhile, in South Sumatra Province, the Palembang-Betung Toll Road development is accelerated.
The Governor’s proposed project approved by the central government in Lampung Province is SPAM in Lampung (Development of Regional SPAM Infrastructure), revitalization of the dipasena pond area, improvement of the national road intersection of the rawajitu bidder, revitalization of the dipasena pond area and rehabilitation of pond channels for procurement of heavy equipment procurement equipment. (Asupit/Red/BRP).
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Public Communications Team
Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas